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Table of Contents




Chapter 1    In the Pressure Cooker

God desires to have a personal and intimate relationship with each of us. What is our response?


Chapter 2    Dealing with Stress and Loss

Overcoming stress, worry and anxiety with God’s grace.


Chapter 3    Seeking God

We will never be whole, be satisfied, or be fulfilled until we have encountered God’s healing and mercy. 


Chapter 4    On God’s Team

A divine ember burns within each of us. We can choose to fan this flame, and watch it burn more brightly, or we can choose to let it smolder.


Chapter 5    Pitfalls: Ego and Certitude

The freedom of letting go of ego and embracing other pathways to God.


Chapter 6    Encountering God in Daily Living

Living our lives in God’s presence at all times; sharing in the divine nature


Chapter 7    Who is Jesus?

Jesus, “the image of the invisible God,” outspoken and controversial, and role model for how to become instruments of healing and justice.


Chapter 8    Worry, Joy & Gratitude

When we yoke ourselves to the Lord, our burdens, stress and worries become lighter; joy as an expression of God’s love and abundant blessings.  


Chapter 9    Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation are our lifeline to God, helping us to see the world as God sees it.


Chapter 10   Faith and Doubt

What God wants most is to have an ongoing relationship with us; God’s response to our prayers is often not what we expect.


Chapter 11   Jesus and Social Justice

Christianity is not just a way of believing but a way of living, to feed the hungry, care for the sick, give to the poor, welcome strangers, and visit prisoners.


Chapter 12   The Way of a Servant

We are called to show compassion and serve “the least of these,” our brothers and sisters who are vulnerable or who have been marginalized for whatever reasons.


Chapter 13   Social and Economic Injustice

Our society has become increasingly fractured between the haves and the have- nots, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless.  If Jesus’ life and ministry are to teach us anything, it is to renounce money, power and control.  


Chapter 14   Racial Injustice

White supremacy has deep structural roots in the institutions of our country, including the theory that Blacks are descendants of a “slave race.”  


Chapter 15   Violence and Nonviolence

We live in a culture that glorifies violence, but we can choose an alternative path of nonviolence.  This includes the care and stewardship of planet Earth.


Chapter 16   The Fullness of Life

Fostering faith in our daily routine; looking to see where the hand of God is at work; appreciating our blessings; expecting miracles


Chapter 17   Our Spiritual Journey Forward

Our life stories are all different, yet each of us has a unique opportunity to share in the abundance of God’s love, and find new meaning and wholeness. Our spiritual connection to God is the hope for humanity. 



COVID-19: At times of sorrow and disaster humans have a remarkable capacity to transform fear into compassion and courage.

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